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Grant Aid for Infectious Diseases Prevention and Treatment

Grant aid for infectious diseases prevention and treatment provides aid for vaccines and administration of therapeutic drugs to control various infectious diseases such as polio, tuberculosis, malaria, AIDS and others which threaten lives in developing countries.

JICS' Role

There is not the project that JICS has been carrying out.

JICS has been delegated by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) since 1997 to 2009 to carry out studies in Japan and on site concerning equipment needed in the field of infectious diseases control. Following these studies, JICS carries out procurement management based on contracts with developing countries' governments. Since grant aid for infectious diseases control must be provided speedily and the validity periods of vaccines and drugs are also limited, project management always demands swiftness and accuracy. In its role as a procurement management agent, JICS contributes to improving health and medical care in developing countries.