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PV System in a Campus for Intellect and Technology Promotes Utilisation of Renewable Energy

February 10, 2014

Students at the Jerash Pioneer Centre paid a visit to EHSC and toured the PV system,
photographing with an NERC engineer (far left in the first row) and a Japanese engineer (sixth left in the second row)

Along with the 100kWp Photovoltaic (PV) system introduced in the Dead Sea Panoramic Complex, the 280kWp PV system was installed in a 7,000 ㎡ northwestern block of the El Hassan Science City (EHSC) through the Japan's grant aid for the Project for Introduction of Clean Energy by Solar Electricity Generation System. EHSC is a campus for education and research situated next to the University of Jordan in Amman, the capital of Jordan. In its 380,000-square-meter premises, EHSC hosts institutions including the Royal Scientific Society (RSS), which was in charge of the Project, the National Energy Research Centre(NERC), the Higher Council for Science and Technology and the Princess Sumaya University for Technology.

RSS is the largest applied research institution established in 1970 with the support of His Majesty the Late King Hussein and His Royal Highness Prince Hassan. The PV system introduced in EHSC in collaboration with RSS is currently the biggest one in Jordan. Conducting research necessary for Jordan's long-term competency and development, RSS places energy, water and environment as major themes of their activities. Solar energy generation is one of the themes, and the PV system serves a significant role in RSS' initiative for environmental conservation.

Sunlight is converted into electrical power.

The PV system generates power under the clear blue sky.

While an engineer of Aichi Electric Co., Ltd., which engaged in installing the PV system together with Mitsui & Co. Plant Systems, Ltd., was conducting a final inspection *1 of the PV system, students attending the Jerash Pioneer Centre (a youth club for outstanding students) visited EHSC and took a tour of the PV system on November 7, 2013. An engineer of NERC, which is in charge of operation and management of the PV system, lectured the students about renewable energy technology. They also learned that the PV system was installed through Japan's grant aid.

RSS has had a number of visitors from various schools and other educational institutions besides the Jerash Pioneer Centre. The PV system is an important place that visitors cannot miss in a tour of EHSC.

EHSC, in which laboratories and educational institutions are located, is a place where many researchers and students visit. Those visitors include not only Jordanian nationals but also those who are from other countries. The PV system will continue to attract people visiting EHSC and contribute to promotion of renewable energy. Jordan is one of the countries blessed with plenty of sunshine. A vast land spreads out outside Amman from which no buildings block sunlight. Solar energy generation has immense potential in renewable energy sources in Jordan, and the PV system is expected to play a leading role in the further promotion of solar generation.

RSS hosted 21 students from Faculty of Engineering, Jordan University of Science and Technology on January 13, 2014, who learned about Jordan's energy situation and renewable energy in their visit.

*1:Final Inspection: an inspection conducted in order to check the status of facilities or equipment which may be in need of repair after a certain period of time has elapsed since the installation of such facilities or equipment.

Basic Information of This Project

Project Name The Project for Introduction of Clean Energy by Solar Electricity Generation System
Date of E/N February 28, 2010
Grant Amount ¥640 million
Date of A/A March 25, 2010
Agent Agreement Counterparty Counterparty Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation (MOPIC)
End-Users Package 1: Royal Scientific Society (RSS)
Package 2: Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities (MOTA)
Project Profile Package 1:The Supply of 280kWp Solar Electricity Generation System
Package 2:The Supply of 100kWp Solar Electricity Generation System
JICS's Role Project management for the procurement of the services and the equipment necessary for the Project and for the management of project funds.