JICS Code of Conduct
Based on the precepts of the JICS Mission, Vision, Value, we pledge to act in accordance with the ten principles shown below, with the goal of promoting higher-quality international cooperation.
1 We will meet our responsibilities as a public service corporation
Based on awareness of our role as a party involved in international cooperation, we will engage in responsible conduct in order to meet the expectations of society toward this Foundation as a public-service corporation.
2 We will provide high-quality services
We will endeavor to provide high-quality services assisting implementation of international cooperation in a timely and effective manner, to ensure the concerned parties' satisfaction with our services and establish our reliability.
3 We will strictly observe laws and rules
We will strictly observe related laws, internal rules, social codes of conduct and international rules. Even in cases where our conduct does not contravene the foregoing, we will act in accordance with socially accepted practices and will not engage in inappropriate conduct.
We will report to or consult the responsible person specified in the rule upon discovering or committing any violation of laws, rules etc.
4 We will exercise consideration for local conditions
In our overseas activities, we will observe local laws and pay due respect to local traditions, customs, culture, environment and others.
5 We will practice information disclosure
To ensure greater transparency of management of our operations, we will proactively disclose information concerning projects, condition of operations and other details.
6 We will manage information appropriately
We will exercise close supervision over all information, including personal information, observing the provisions of laws and related rules concerning protection of personal information, take appropriate security measures and strictly enforce confidentiality requirements.
7 We will respect human rights
We will respect human rights in all circumstances and will not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, nationality, race, ethnicity, beliefs, religion, social status or physical disability.
8 We will act in a socially responsible manner
We will adopt a firm stance toward anti-social forces or organizations that threaten social order or safety.
9 We will endeavor to preserve the environment
Based on awareness that addressing environmental problems is an important mission, we will make voluntary, pro-active efforts to preserve the environment.
10 We will create a positive workplace atmosphere
We will maintain order and create a safe, motivating workplace atmosphere, so that officers and workers can work to the best of their abilities. We will also manage safety on an ongoing basis, with a crisis control system in place to ensure the personal safety of officers and workers, both in Japan and abroad.