JICS Procurement Concept
Procurement generally refers to the act of acquiring goods and/or services needed to achieve a specific purpose, in exchange for adequate payment. In order to secure certain standards of quality, it is necessary for JICS to fix in advance some rules concerning the procurement purpose, procedure, economic process and so forth.
In addition to this, it should be noted that procurements implemented by JICS are public ones, utilizing public funds for public purposes and therefore, need to satisfy the following factors:
<Requirements for public procurement>
- Impartiality
- to be always impartial in the procurement process such as determining specifications of the goods and designating suppliers
- Fairness
- to be always fair and equitable in the procurement process
- Competitiveness
- to ensure a sufficient number of suppliers or contractors in a price competition
- Compliance
- to be in conformity with all the related laws
- Transparency
- to ensure the transparency of the whole procurement process
- Independence
- to ensure independence in the procurement process
JICS puts great emphasis on helping the people of the recipient countries. This core idea shall at all times be kept in mind when implementing public procurements aimed at the assistance of developing countries. Thus, JICS procurement concept is set in the following.
JICS Procurement Concept
JICS shall timely implement procurements of the goods and services required for the purpose of supplying them to the people of the recipient countries, maximizing economy and efficiency in procurements, and ensuring impartiality, fairness, competitiveness and transparency. Besides implementing ordinary procurements, JICS shall provide necessary services and make all possible efforts in order to help people in the recipient countries to benefit from the various projects.
Please refer to guidelines for JICS' policy and procedures regarding procurement of goods and services that incorporate JICS Procurement Concept.