Republic of Indonesia
First commemorative ceremony after the earthquake disaster in Central Java
- Big smiles returned to the people of Jogjakarta -
Grant Aid for Disaster Prevention and Reconstruction (FY2006) in the Central Java, the Republic of Indonesia
Many people working on reconstruction activities were invited.
President Yudhoyono made a speech.
Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X, Governor of the Yogyakarta Special Region, explained about the status of reconstruction.
At 5: 54 a.m. on May 27th, 2006, an earthquake with the magnitude 6.2 hit Jogjakarta City in mid Java Island of Indonesia. It was reported that approximately 6,000 people died and 40,000 people were injured. The earthquake led to a mass displacement of more than 2.2 million people.
Bantul district, which was located to the south of the Jogjakarta province, had received crucial damage that 70 to 80% of the houses were destroyed.
In the special region of Jogjakarta and the province of Central Java, heavily damaged by the earthquake, there have been implemented various projects for the reconstruction. In May 2007, the rehabilitation of one of the health centers was completed by the Japan's grant aid.
To commemorate the achievement of post-disaster reconstruction, the Indonesian Government held a ceremony at Prambanan Temple Compounds, close to Jogjakarta City, on May 26th, the eve of the first anniversary of the earthquake.
The ceremony was attended by important people from Indonesia, including President Yudhoyono, ministers, the governors of Jogjakarta and Central Java, as well as many ambassadors from donor countries and the representatives of the international organizations which had supported the reconstruction. Our president, Takahisa Sasaki was also invited to the ceremony. Many residents also attended this grand ceremony and their traditional dance was performed. It was easy enough to know the recovery of Jogjakarta when we saw the smile of people.
President Yudhoyono talked with our president Sasaki and expressed his gratitude to the Japanese people for wide-ranging assistances and hope for a long-lasting good relationship with Japan.
Many residents attended the ceremony.
Children performed local traditional dance.
President Yudhoyono signed his name on the commemorative board for the health center, for which JICS had carried out procurement management.
The commemorative board signed by President Yudhoyono
President Yudhoyono (right) and our president Sasaki (left)
With Mr. Irwandi Yusuf, Governor of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province
Basic Information of This Project
Project Name | Grant Aid for Disaster Prevention and Reconstruction (FY2006) in the Central Java, the Republic of Indonesia |
Date of Agreement between Governments | August 15th, 2006 |
Grant Aid Amount | 890 million Japanese yen |
Client | Bappenas: The National Development Planning Agency of the Republic of Indonesia |
Scheduled Completion Date | Buildings of elementary schools and junior high schools: by November 30th, 2007 Health Center: by July 29th, 2007 |
Outline of the Project | Jogjakarta and Central Java received enormous damage by the earthquake which occurred on May 27th, 2006. The Government of Japan decided to implement the Grant Aid for Disaster Prevention and Reconstruction for the reconstruction of 2 elementary schools, 7 junior high schools, and 5 health centers. |
JICS's Role | As the agent of the Government of Indonesia, JICS carries out procurement of emergency relief goods, and management of the project. |